In stock items will be shipped within 2 business days after the purchase was made and made to order items will be shipped after the production date. We will ship your item to the address provided on your customer profile on our website unless otherwise instructed. We ship by Canada Post regular mail and will send a notification as soon as your order is mailed out. The standard delivery times vary from 5 business days to 28 business days depending on destination and custom clearance.

If you prefer expedited options, they includes: Overnight, 2-3 days priority or 4-5 days priority. These require additional shipping fees, which are to be included at the time of purchase.
If you desire an alternate shipping option such as UPS or FedEx, please let us know in advance of purchase. The cost of using this shipping option will be borne by the customer.

Please be advised that we bear no liability for items lost in transit and if compensation (Refund) is agreed in exceptional cases, this will be limited to 50% of the lost items value. Hence it is always advisable for customer to request and pay for tracking at the time of purchase.